Thursday, November 15, 2012

Manual vs Automatic Transmission

Manual vs automatic... it's a question often asked by Americans. The answer is "automatic" 90% of the time, which really is a travesty of our era. It almost always comes down to a matter of choice, not requirement. The vast majority of the driving public (I'd estimate 99%) are fully capable of driving a manual transmission. I don't buy the argument "some families need an automatic". Baloney. It's only out of laziness and carelessness of consumption that almost all of Americans choose automatic of standard. It's estimated that nearly half of Americans are unable to drive a manual transmission. That is sad and treacherous. I don't buy it. I've never had a problem putting someone behind the wheel of my car and teaching them how to operate a clutch after some simple instruction and determination.

Go anywhere else in the world where fuel is much more expensive. A manual transmission is the rule, not the exception. And the notion that the "new automatic technology" is better than manuals of yesteryear or "the computer can shift better than you can" is preposterous. By nearly ever measure, a vehicle with a manual transmission is able to surpass EPA ratings, whereas automatics tend to fall short of their EPA ratings. Even the new CVT transmissions and fancy electronically controlled transmissions is just the proverbial "polishing of the turd". An archaic manual transmission design from the 60's is still capable of delivering efficiency that's on par with today's automatics.

It's simpler, costs less to produce, delivers better efficiency, cost less to maintain and above all, they last longer. Learn to drive a manual transmission and strongly consider purchasing a vehicle with a manual transmission for your next car. You will be a BETTER driver, you will be more in tune with the dynamics and capabilities of your car and you will have not settled for a fake and fabricated driving experience. Don't be the cliche American sheep consumer, ditch the automatic and never look back.
