World of Warcraft recently celebrated it's 5th anniversary. I have been involved in WoW for the better part of 4 years. I must say, to make it simple, this game is an abomination. It's evil. Everything about it is wrong. 67.5% of all divorces in 2008 were caused by World of Warcraft. 9 million children between the ages of 12 and 18 dropped out of school and were subsequently kicked out of their homes. World of Warcraft is even responsible for 175 million acres of deforestation and 17 species in those forests have become extinct. And worst of all, there are more socially broken nerds in the world today than ever before in recorded history. All thanks to this alternative reality called "World of Warcraft!". Prince Arthas is sure to get the last laugh from all of this, knowing that the evils of the Lich King have infiltrated the very homes of 14 million subscribers!
It is the cheapest form of entertainment ever to grace my pocket book since the release of Napster. I as well as others like me play WoW every night. Let's say that if tomorrow I were to quit WoW and go out to dinner and a movie with friends 2 nights per week. Lest we not forget my wife who will accompany me on these bi-weekly outings. A ticket to an average evening film is $11. The food, which includes dinner and snacks at the theater... $35. Then, the gasoline and other hidden costs of about $10. That's about $134 per week. I'll do some math and round that down to around $500/month for dinner and movie entertainment. This doesn't take into account circumstances such as... the wife wants to do go karts, or mini golf, etc... etc. Were looking at anywhere from $300 - $1,000 /month for entertainment. HOLY CRAP! WoW costs me $14.95/month for unlimited use. That means WoW costs me about $3.75 a week.. translate that to 1 drink at the movie theater. GRRR... I hate World of Warcraft!
The writers and developers at Blizzard cunningly saw the coming of the age of television and sought to swoop in and steal those TV nerds destined at a highly productive life of eating Lay's potato chips and Coca-Cola Classic. How evil these people are! The fat and lazy nerds were tricked into leaving their TV sets for a world where complex strategy and planning is required to achieve even the most simple of tasks in their alternative world. A place where your senses and reflexes are sharpened. WoW even requires physical activity of pressing keys and moving the mouse along those evil little mouse pads! I have never seen such hell and damnation on the earth today! GRRRR!!!! I hate World of Warcraft!
To make matters worse, Blizzard has somehow figured out how to create a never ending game world. A world where there isn't possibly enough time in one's life to finish all the possible scenarios, professions, quests and skills! Before WoW came in and ruined everything, one used to be able to play a game and finish it in a reasonable amount of time. Now, there is no limit... no cap... no end in sight for this evil, evil game and it's mechanism for the devil to come in and eat the minds of mankind! Even worse, other game developers can't sell as many cartridges and game disks because many of those players have been sucked into the realm of WoW death! World of Warcraft is an economy killer! Blizzard is made up of a bunch of power hungry communists! Joseph Stalin is smiling down on his creation. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! I hate World of Warcraft!
As you can see, World of Warcraft is quickly becoming an issue of national security. Our government must act to stop this plague from spreading like a wild fire. Our very livelihoods are at stake here people. No-Action is not an option!
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